Full Metal Panic: Full Metal Panic is...
*written by Shoji Gatoh, with original art by Shiki Douji
*Originally novels and short stories
*Two (very different) ongoing manga series
*One multi-part trading card game
*One anime TV series, and a second in the works
-Full Metal*Panic!
Sagara and Chidori: Their relationship very much starts from the fact that Sagara is constantly following Chidori, which infuriates her. She slowly warms up to him, but every time she starts to think he might be alright, some other fiasco arises. Sagara, for his part, probably doesn't even realize he has feelings for her, but he has comprimised his mission objectives for her, which is the surest sign.
Boy Meets Girl: Boy Meets Girl is the title of Episode 7, and the title of the site! Imagine that. The image is from the BEST Full Metal Panic site ever. The layout is made by Cyn, once again.
Fanlistings:Fanlistings are exactly what they sound like, a list of fans. You fill out a form and your name is put on the list, so you can proudly display what you like. They're all collected by The Fanlistings.