Title: Obsessed Much (because we are)
Current Layout
Colors: #8359AB(bg), #8359AB(header text),
Graphics Font: Beyond Wonderland and Galathea(title). ALS Script(quote)
Text Font: Verdana
Headings Font: Georgia
Layout and Design © Cyn W.
We started out joining a couple of fanlistings and then decided we had to be able to run our own, plus Cer and Shoka went nuts with the joining too. I jokingly said Obsessed Much? one day and the name of our collective was born. Be forewarned, this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands and are a website/design/internet junkie.
Link Here
First Version Manga: Chobits Character: Chii Colors: #FFE084(bg), #F38779(font), #D2FDA2(image border) Graphics Font: Harrington Text Font: Verdana Layout and Design: Cyn W. Image: © respective owner |
Second Version Original Design Colors: #FF9965(bg), #DD8466(title, buttons), #000000(font) Graphics Font: Astigma(title), Violation(title/page titles), Arial Black(navigation buttons) Text Font: Verdana Layout and Design: Cyn W. |
Third Version Colors: #A5B6CF(bg), #EBE7CE(header text), #D4F4FF(links) Graphics Font: ParkAvenue BT(title) Text Font: Verdana Layout and Design © Cyn W. Image © M. Goad - used with permission. |